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Monday, December 27, 2021

Notes; Historical Capitalism with Capitalist Civilization by Immanuel Wallerstein

 'That the emergence of such ethnicity also played a politically divisive role for the working classes has been a political bonus for the employers' 


'They tried using political influence to create a new monopolistic advantage for themselves..thus monopolistic practice and competitive motivation have been a paired reality of historical capitalism'


'without the short term concern for the global impact of such behavior..' he questions Adam Smith's assumption of harmony as a result of capitalism


'This phenomenon of relocation has been part and parcel of historical capitalism from the outset'


'Each major technological change has been less the motor than the consequence of historical capitalism'


He argues Capitalism was the method of the elites to maintain the status quo, their social/economical hierarchy.

Thus, 'the trend towards egalitarianization  of reward had been drastically reversed. The upper strata were once again in firm control politically and ideologically'


He also argues that State power and capitalism came together


'the states have regularly spent considerable energy in enforcing their regulation against recalcitrant groups, most particularly work-forces. Worker rebellion has usually brought forth a ready repressive response from the state machineries.


'redistribution has in fact been more widely used as a mechanism to polarize distribution than to make real income converge'


then discusses how the state rewards capital; official subsidies, bearing the cost of product development,

'such theft of public revenues as well as correlate corrupt private taxation procedures have been a major source of private accumulation of capital throughout historical capitalism'

'Finally, government have redistributed to the wealthy by utilizing the principle of the individualization of profit but the socialization of risk'



not convinced;

'the vast majority of the populations of the world are objectively and subjectively less well off materially than in previous historical systems, politically as well'


'it is only in the 20th century that a sign that the historical system of capitalism finally come into structural crisis'


'construction of state structures was itself one of the central institutional achievements of historical capitalism'


'All these state decisions were taken with direct reference to the economic implications for the accumulation of capital;


'taxation has been a steadily expanding phenomenon over the historical development of the capitalist world economy as a percentage of total value created or accumulated..power to tax was one of the most immediate ways in which the state directly assisted the process of accumulation of capital in favor of some groups rather than others'


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