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Friday, March 28, 2014

Interesting remarks from bio of B.B. by Rachel Cohen

p. 92
William James on Anglo-Florentines including BB;

" Art in their hands is a mere instrument for indulging self pride and scorn of their fellow men"

p. 97
Ernest Samuels on BB;

"His passion to share his ecstatic feelings came from a deep-seated drive for self-assertion and intellectual domination"

A.K. McComb comparing I Tatti and Ferney;

"the same cosmopolitanism, the same atmosphere of esprit and 'enlightenment', the same centering of attention on the Master of the House."

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bernard Berenson says

Enjoying Cohen's bio of him thus far;

p. 79;

"The way people laugh is always appalling to me. Something comes out in their laughter which at times, in some people, sounds to me as if Satan from the bottomless pit was laughing at their best intentions"  LOL.

Mary Berenson on him, on p. 86;

"He would hang for hours onto the railings in front of pictures when he was literally trembling with nervous exhaustion"

Cohen on him, p. 87;

"His ideas for attribution came from a combination of quick instinctual understanding and long experience"

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bermard Berenson on Anglo Saxon cliques

"Nothing is so cliquy and exclusive as the schoolboy or the schoolboy-mindd Anglo-Saxon of al ages."

- Bernard Berenson,  Rumor and Reflection (1952)

Started reading Rachel Cohen's bio of him, too bad there's no reference of Hugh Trevor-Roper, since I bought a book of collection of letters between those two(they were pretty close friends. And glad I bought when it was cheap; now the Amazon price, even used one, is astronomical lol);

she concentrates on important women in BB's life methink.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

William Empson

Got interested in his work from reading a nice intro by the author of 1922, Kevin Jackson.

John Haffenden's bio of him too, again God bless LAPL lol.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Woodrow Wilson on mob violence and lynching

Berg, p. 485

"Every American who takes part in the action of a mob or gives it any sort of countenance is no true son of this great Democracy, but its betrayer."

Berg bio of Wilson & The Constellation of Genius:1922 by Kevin Jackson

 So far read 467 pages of the 743-page tome, and WW seems to have been quite an impressive figure, although at times the book seems like a hagiography. For example, on the enthusiastic reception of his Declaration of War(WWI);

p. 438

"Think of what is was they were applauding. My message today was a message of death for our young men. How strange it seems to applaud that."

The Progressive Era(for example in the 1912 Presidential Election, more or less all major candidates were Progressive in hue. Even Taft was distrusted by Conservatives) ends with him.


Enjoying reading of the Introduction by the author Kevin Jackson of the book

Constellation of Genius: 1922: Modernism Year One by Kevin Jackson (Sep 17, 2013)

I did read Ellmann's bio of Joyce, but is still a nice introduction of the intellectual surroundings and of both authors Joyce and T.S. Eliot.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Liberal Media is a fiction

For example, why is Jonah Goldberg writing columns in LA Times? Because he wasn't accepted at WSJ? Lol.

At last borrowed Robert Bresson's 'Diary of a Country Priest'(1951)

Had great reputation but so far couldn't watch it, hard to come by, but at last was available from the library

Original French title

Journal d'un curé de campagne

Very looking forward to it.

In God we Kill, Jesus Christ as a swear word


One of USA's mottos is 'In God we Trust',

The truth is a bit different; well pretty much all Western or human societies,

'In God we Kill'.

A car bumper sticker said; 'Jesus Christ is our savior not a swear word'

Always was curious why it was used as swearing.

3 noticeable notices at 24 fitness center

Steroids can cause personality change :scared:

Anyone who has diarrhea or had it 2 weeks prior are not aloud in the pool :hysteric:

In consideration of recent draught, urges to finish shower fast to conserve water.