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Monday, December 30, 2013

Breaking Bad

Watching the Marathon on AMC, hate these commercials lol.

Watching this for the first time, and

I'm not that symphatetic to White, I'm rather more partial to Gus and Jesse lol.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Finished Verhey

German military deliberately lied to the people in the final phrases of the war, for example saying that English were starving and if German people would hold longer they would win. 'Stab in the back' myth was also manufactured by Ludendorff to mislead the German public.  And the people eventually subscribed to this 'myth'.

Hitler and the Nazi party were the main beneficiaries, the process greatly assisted by the Hugenberg newspaper empire.

p. 208-9

In 1924, German President Friedrich Ebert (SPD) stated that WWI was a defensive war.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Uninvited(1944)

Very looking forward to this movie which stars Ray Milland(the imdb pic of him is horrible lol) and Ruth Hussey.

The problem is, the dispensing machine at the local branch broke down so it's not available right now -_-

The Damned United

Really enjoying the movie thus far; great storytelling, one really gets to root for Brian Clough(acted brilliantly by the always capable Michael Sheen).

And it was directed by Tom Hooper.
No wonder he won the Oscar for The King's Speech(I'm firmly on the side of that movie; the furor against it got out of hand; it's not like Fincher's The Social Network is vastly superior. It was also vastly easier to borrow TSN from the library compared to KS; KS had a LONG hold lol)

Tuchman still reigns supreme

By now I've read a few books on the start of WWI, such as Michael Howard's A Very Short Introduction series(OUP), Strachan, and recently by Clark, Hastings, and MacMillan(still reading), and in terms of sheer pleasure I think Tuchman is still hard to beat, she writes so well(Read about 5/7 methink). That LOA edition which also has The Prowd Tower is becoming irresistable to buy lol.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

From Clausewitz to 1870 to WWII

The systematic taking and killing hostages of the Belgians by the German army in 1914 was but an application of Clausewitz's maxim that terror can shorten the war.

They in fact practiced it after Sedan against French civilians in 1870. The dark side of "the most industrious, earnest, best educated race" had already been laid bare.

"If there has to be a choice between disorder and injustice,
the German prefers injustice"

- Goethe

Thomas Mann in 1917

From Guns of August ;

"The German soul is opposed to the pacifist ideal of civilization for is not peace an element of civil corruption?"

A German scientist said to American journalist Irwin Cobb;

"German Kultur will enlighten the world and after this war there will never be another"

In reality, Louvain happened.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Military and Hitler

Why was the Hitler regime unchallenged throughout its reign?

Because the only element capable of toppling it, the Military, was in league with Hitler.

Their aim was essentially the same; War.

Hence, Manstein's refusal to acknowledge the liability of the Army isn't really convincing.

P.S. SPD had considerable heft during the early 20th century, yet, when IT MATTERED, they were tame enough to surrender without a fight against Hitler(Didn't really put much resistance in 1914 either).  For better or worse, French were more..intransigent lol.

"Unity" in Germany during WWI

My armchair history musings continues lol.

Finished about half of Verhey.  German Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg thought unity was paramount also for propaganda reasons(Goebbels wasn't the pioneer of mass manipulation. Even before WWI, Germany knew the importance of propaganda; even Moltke expressed concern about it);

Hence, the government barred all reports, letters, and periodicals expressing disunity, whether from the Extreme Right or the Left; the newspaper of SPD, Vorwärts was allowed to be sold at Prussian railroad stations, to the amazement of many(But of course, it was still biased against the Left).

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why is Laura Linney

Introducing Masterpiece Classic, just popped Downton Abbey Season 2 disc 1 into my dvd player and there she was, what a pleasant surprise  :)

Napoleonic Empire

Russia also 'saved' Europe from Napoleonic domination.

But it was essentially the triumph of the Conservative, evidenced in the creation of the Holy Empire League among 3 Conservative Monarchies after the War.

Just how 'bad' was the Napoleonic Empire? Was it like autocratic Germany in 1914 or 1939?

I'm waiting for a sequel after reading Dwyer's biography of Napoleon some years ago,

And voila! it just came out!

Citizen Emperor: Napoleon in Power

Hope it arrives soon at the local library so I can check it out.

Meanwhile I must satisfy in a roundabout way, by reading the history from the British Conservative point of view;

The Savage Storm: Britain on the Brink in the Age of Napoleon

Saturday Evening Post

I was surprised that it was still in print.

Famous for Rockwell's Cover paintings, in its heyday in the early 20th century it had a reputation as an extreme Rightist magazine(again, Liberal Media is a myth)

Browsed one issue, and even this magazine, like New Yorker and Economist some time ago, expresses alarm at the widening income gap in America.

Maybe American-style laissez-faire Capitalism is finally losing its grip. We'll see.

'Courageous' Fischer? Germany in 1914

At last finished Winchester and started Jeffrey Verhey's The Spirit of 1914: Militarism, Myth, and Mobilization in Germany (Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare) (yes, Forsyte is languishing, as usual with novels)

What many ascribe to 'enthusiastic' response at the start of the war was in fact in 1870, not 1914. Mostly youths and Nationalists in urban areas were euphoric, whereas working class and rural peasants were sombre and depressed. Naturally Rightist and bourgeois newspapers blew this out of all proportions and contributed to the war propaganda and hysteria.

Naturally Verhey mentions Fritz Fischer, and he describes his work as 'courageous'.

His work was published in the 1960s. Imagine that. Fischer must have faced torrents of anger from the German Historical Establishment, who stubbornly clung to the myth of 'universal' blame on starting WWI.

Some hilarious and freightening instances of Chauvinistic mob violence in Germany at that time;

Patrons of cafe or restaurants who didn't stand up during recital of patriotic songs were lynched.

They shot at the clouds thinking those were French airplanes

Driving car was very dangerous, since they were shot at, mistaken as French cars hoarding money away(of course, false rumour). Most of the victims, killed or otherwise, were members of High Society, who could afford cars.

Gangs roamed the streets checking for foreign words on the shops: issued ultimatum, and when the shop owner didn't erase it, trashed the shop.

The Spy Scare prompted massive lynching too; almost all of the victims were innocent and were in fact reservists, etc.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Recommended: Isiah Berlin on Turgenev

Not many literary works move me but Berlin's Fathers and Children: Turgenev and the Liberal Predicament is one of'em, along with Thackeray's Vanity Fair (the scene where the philistine aristocrat-soldier dies in battle).  That piece was so moving, I finally decided to buy it after all these years.

Koreans in TV series

Gilmore Girls. Two Broke Girls.
Kind of depicted as butt of jokes.
Are other nationalities depicted in this way too? I'm not so sure..
Is it because Korean lobby is relatively weak?
Are Koreans the 'new Jew' in USA? Lol.

Why Gilmore Girls is da best

Any program that even mentions H.L. Mencken's Chrestomathy, how can you NOT love it lol.

'You screeched?'

God I love Michel lol.

Grecian value: sport

Grecian value is peculiar in that they sought perfection also for their body: they strived to improve in every aspect. Hence, the Olympian games and all that.

Leopold or Benes: who was right?

King Leopold of Belgium decided to ignore Germany's veiled threat and to maintain their independence, by fighting against the German military juggernaut. The nation was passionately behind him. The result, devastation.

Benes, Premier of Czechoslovakia, capitulated to Hitler, unlike Poland: so could escape carnage and destruction. His 'realistic' decision was appreciated by A.J.P Taylor.

Who was right?

Gallic temper

Guns of August really is a classic, has many delightful episodes not treated in later works by other historians.

Naval minister Gauthier made a mistake in the earliest stage of WWI and after being criticized by the War minister Messimy, propsed a duel then later sobbed on the shoulder of him lol. So....volatile lol.

In fact, many diplomats, not only French, shed tears before and after mobilisations. They really did fear starting the war: why did they bother in the first place then, lol.

That Gallic temper can also be traced in films, too. So many passionate scenes, including a lover spitting in his girlfriend's mouth then French which movie it was, it was a recent one).

Passionate, and logical(Enlightenment, Materialism). That's Gallic temper for you.

The saga of Churchill's elevation to PM

The outcome of WWII wasn't preordained at all. In fact Hitler nearly won the war. There was a powerful element in UK that wished friendship with Nazi Germany, from the King down to aristocrats and the merchant class(represented by Chamberlain, himself coming from that background), and the Press(The Times, Daily Mail, Evening Standard, etc. Exception were Manchester Guardian & Daily Telegraph).
Isolationist force in America comprised of every ideological spectrum and was dominant in Congress.

The 1930s was truly the decade of Appeasement in that the world was very generous to fascist nations: even before Germany, there were Japan and Italy waging wars without much interference. Spain too for that matter. Hitler carefully noted the trend, then acted, crossing the Rhine in 1936. The rest is history.

The genius of Churchill was that he perceived early on that Hitler was a greater threat than Stalin. Many preferred Nazi Germany and thought both Germany and USSR duking out between them wasn't a bad idea. Churchill's decision was all the more remarkable in that he was the proponent of assisting the Whites during the Russian Civil War: he was a dedicated anti-Communist. But his pitiful political instincts hindered himself from taking power during the 30s.

So, what if UK reached an understanding with Germany? Or if they made truce? Would then FDR 'dared' to oppose Hitler? FDR himself had severe doubts of UK surviving the war in the early stages of the Blitz. It really was a near miss.

That's why the saga is most gripping, and that's why Churchill is regarded as the greatest PM ever: by his sheer force of will, he managed to sustain UK during those perilous times. In effect, he saved civilisation, along with FDR, and...Stalin lol(Soviet Russia really did all the fighting. The scale of the Eastern theater easily dwarfs the Western one).

So, that's why I began to read these books again lol.

And yes, USA indeed saved the world, they can brag lol, when Europe failed to do so.

German government helps Lenin

In 1917? German gov. helped Lenin and his 27 comrades get back to Russia, since Lenin was against the war: Germany wanted to avoid 2 front war so their interests 'clicked' ironic lol. Germany in effect helped Lenin win the power struggle.

In fact, Russia, including the Soviet Union under Stalin, was rather passive regarding the European theater: in both instances, in 1914 and 1941, Russia just wasn't ready to launch an assault: it was Germany, fearing that the balance would favor Russia later, that attacked first: exactly the same pattern and logic between Moltke and Hitler.

Why Rural USA votes Red

It doesn't make sense economically. Maybe Marx is wrong in that regard lol.

Cultural values-God and Gun- might have to do it more.

And who made this electorally possible? Graham? Rove? The Heroes of the Right.

Universal health care - the Last Frontier?

One in 10 of the rural area in the 1930s had electricity thanks to Capitalism: it wasn't just cost effective for the electrical companies to supply electricity cheaply.

It was thanks to FDR's 'socialist' policy, that that inequality was erased.

LBJ was dirt poor so he knew about poverty: that's why he launched the 'Great Society' program.
But FDR was a patrician. Truly, the 'traitor to his class' lol.

It's also ironic that a Texan ended the racial prejudice by legislation: LBJ.

I guess Universal Healthcare is the last Frontier in America. No less difficult than what LBJ faced(his cost? The unraveling of the Democratic Coalition-the South fell out. Morality trumps Votes: a rare case indeed, and therein lies LBJ's greatness). Whoever achieves it will be the next Great President.

Why FDR is the greatest president

Simon Winchester' s book inadvertently?(well, maybe not. He does praise the role of government in this book; maybe because he's from UK? After all, Clement Attlee is generally regarded the greatest PM in recent history due to Universal Healthcare and all that) praises FDR and the Democratic party.

It's funny because the rural area which benefited enormously(for example electricity) by FDR' s policy is solidly red.

choking in latin

mentions inops gelida formidine

Metamorphoses, bk 2, ln 199

3 verbs in a row

θαρσυνεσκε παριστάμενους επέδειξε

He would approach, and encourage them, saying (tr. by Murray)

Illiad, bk 2, ln 233

Saturday, December 14, 2013

USA: the nation of guns

Again, Winchester p. 294:

At Leadville Colorado, Oscar Wilde saw a sign at the bar, pleading
not to shoot the piano player;


Only in America! Lol.

Does it have anything to do with Truffaut's movie?

Cost of a car

p. 281 of Winchester:

In the 1920s, a Model T Ford or Chevrolet 490 cost less than $400, about 3 month's pay.

Euripides is killing me

Vastly more difficult than Homer imo.

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Newsroom

Watching the 1st season and although it's idealistic, I like it so far.
Didn't know that Obama failed the Brady report lol.

Au Bonheur des Dames

Today stumbled upon a brand new Penguin pbk edition of Zola's work.

How COULD I resist this lol. So exploration of French literature continues(after having tasted bits of Corneille, Moliere, Dumas, Hugo)..

Along with the Forsyte, I guess it'll be like delving into a bourgeois society.

Also wonder if this book has anything to to with the curren hit British TV series The Paradise, I'm actually tempted to buy that series.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nietzsche contra Wagner

Barzun surely knows his Nietzsche. If you want to know Nietzsche but can't spare the time reading Walter Kaufmann , just read that chapter(the blog post title) of his Darwin, Marx, Wagner It summarizes Nietzsche's thought pretty well, especially in regard to Barzun's pro-Romantist leanings.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Hugh Grant should play...

Oscar Wilde, they seem somewhat similar looking, just a thought lol.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Count Gobineau

According to Barzun, the count, who is usually thought as the founder of racism,

Denied that Germans were Nordic


Said that the music was the gift of the Negroes to the Europeans.

Dali denounces Bunuel

Didn't know that Dali denounced Bunuel during McCarthyist era, so that Bunuel had to quit MOMA.

Should watch Viridiana by him. Can't find Berlanga's film though(from the library)..


What kind of school names its dining room refectory:

Only at Fuller, I guess lol.

Novels to read

Found another interesting book by browsing WSJ Review section. Really, it's too good, I'm almost tempted to subscribe to its weekend issues only, if that's possible(vastly superior choices-lit., history- say compared to LATIMES).

The Gangs of New York, hitherto remembered by those awful unintelligible mumblings of Daniel Day-Lewis(really should watch it again, couldn't understand a word of what he said at the cinema).


Cela's The family of Pascual Duarte,  mentioned on Treglown's book. I have a feeling it might evoke similar ambience - chiefly sensual - to the delightful movie Belle Epoque and such.


Balzac's another new Oxford pbk ed., The Girl with the Golden Eyes and other stories, which I discovered at the library yesterday.


Those should keep me busy for a while.

Euripides' recipe for happy marriage

Υπέρ μέγιστη γίγνεται σωτηρία,
όταν γυνή προς άνδρα μη διχοστατηι

ΜΉΔΕΙΑ ln 15

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Brava Tuchman

Just finished the 1st ch. of The Guns of August and quite enjoyed it, she really writes well.  I had bought her

Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-1945 

but haven't read it yet.  Now I'm tempted to own it in LOA edition along with Mencken..that's my wish for Santa this X-mas lol.

Winter with the Forsytes

I had to find a brand new Oxford pbk edition of John Galsworthy's magnum opus at the library.

Since it's pretty popular - or so I heard - I had no choice but to snatch it up: pity, the 1st few pages of this book was interesting.

I really neglected fiction this year, so should try to finish this.

Vergil:the dream of world peace

Sublime passage:

Aspera tum positis mitescent saecula bellis;
cana Fides et Vesta, Remo cum fratre Quirinus
iura dabunt; dirae ferro et compagibus artis
claudentur Belli portae; Furor impius intus
saeva sedens super arma et centum vinctus aenis
post tergum nodis fremet horridus ore cruento

buccinator tantum

Francis Bacon - 1838 - ‎Philosophy
Ego enim buccinator tantum, pugnam non ineo ; unus fortasse ex iis, de quibus Homcnis : XaipiTt, KiïpvKit, Aias ôyyeXoi qSi Kai Atipan. Hi enim inter hostes,  ...

Useful phrase. It's like 'all bark and no bite' or ' bark is worse than bite'.

Quoted from Barzun's Darwin section.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bargain] Plato & Montaigne

I've always wanted to buy a complete edition of Platon. You would think that Bollingen series should be good, but Hackett has a good reputation in philosophy texts and its Plato received more favorable Amazon rating:

This French edition was selling absurdly cheap so couldn't resist it. Even had vynl cover, and since I have a Penguin edition I can actually learn French this way lol.

Each for $12, at Archives. What a steal.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Prometheus & The Blind Side

Bought both during the weekend(via Amazon, arrived a day later lol). Seen both before, by borrowing from the library

I've bought the former due to its sombre and futuristic atmosphere(also because I'm a sucker for visuals), but was quite disappointed after the 2nd viewing.
Practically all characters are annoying; it could've been so much better..

Nothing but praise for the latter. Excellent and moving movie, with superb performance by Sandra Bullock.
Can't understand some consternation regarding her Oscar; I think she's way better choice than Jennifer Lawrence for SLP.

Also bought the 2nd Star Trek ; Into Darkness, hope it's better than Prometheus, since I liked the 1st one. Looking forward to Benedict Cumberbatch's constipated facial expression lol.