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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hilarious Frenchies

Almost finished Mary McAuliffe's Twilight of the Belle Epoque.

Year 1917

p. 330

Critic Jean Poueigh lambasted Parade and Satie.

So Satie sent postcards saying rude words to Poueigh.

P in turn sued Satie for libel, arguing that his concierge read it, and the magistrates had to repeat those words on the postcards at court lol(which Arthur Honegger found hilarious).

In retaliation Cocteau hit P's lawyer and was roughed up by the police.


p. 331

Debussy tried to cure insomnia by reading the French Civil Code:

But he just found those sufficiently disturbing to keep him awake!

Proust was notorious for waking his friends at night with midnight visits for consultation of his magnum opus(verifing some facts, etc)

French Intifada

An exposé on current racism and anti semitism in France, an absorbing read.

Was interested in French-Algerian relation after watching The Battle of Algiers(1966) ages ago, and glad that I grabbed it up at the library.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Rodin as prey

Auguste Rodin is reputed to have a calculating look, but as a lover of women, was susceptible to 'machinations' too lol.

Claire de Choiseul is famous, but when he was in dotage in 1916, a mother and daughter tried to gain influence:

" I want to be your slave". Jeanne Bardy

" My dear little papa" Her daughter Henriette

Fortunately his friends posted guards around Hotel Biron to bar them lol!

But his drawings and small bronzes had already disappeared...!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Did the movie Stargate(1914) get inspiration from

Churchill's advocation of bombing the 'rebellious' Imperial 'subjects' around 1920?

The scene in which the aliens bomb the rebellious tribes with their fighter airplane...isn't it the same?

A chilling thought..

Modern Library Chronicles


Nice series.

Currently reading this

The Korean War: A History (Modern Library Chronicles) by Bruce Cumings (Jul 27, 2010)

Belatedly, and it's quite an embarrassing account in many ways...

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tit for Tat; Jowett & Tennyson


Tennyson was invited to Oxford and read a poem to Benjamin Jowett, a distinguished classicist, friend of Tennyson and who was becoming formidable by that time.

J gravely said after the recital;

"I think I wouldn't publish that, if I were you, Tennyson"

After a moment of frigid silence Tennyson retorted;

"If it come to that, Master(Jowett was the Master of Balliol), the sherry you gave us at luncheon was beastly"