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Friday, February 28, 2014

Learning knows no privileges

"Learning knows no differences of social caste or privilege. The mind is a radical democrat."
- Woodrow Wilson

Folio releases Hugh Thomas' Spanish CW

The cover design looks sick. Already have the pbk edition though(or do I?)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Such salacious words from

Guess who lol

From Berg, p. 121

"When you get me back you'll smother me, will you, my sweet lover? And what will I be doing all the while -simply submitting to be smothered? Are you prepared for the storm of love making with which you will be assailed?"

Not 'in like Flynn' haha, Woodrow Wilson's letter to his wife after married 10 yrs!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Borrowed from the library

Part 2 of TV series Parade's End

Dispatches for the New York Tribune: Selected Journalism of Karl Marx

Bernard Berenson: A Life in the Picture Trade by Rachel Cohen

Forgotten Ally: China's World War II 1937-1945 by Rana Mitter

My Ovid edition by Musgrove got it wrong

Metamorphoses, Bk 3, 1st or 2nd page?



Teubner says compagibus, and that's correct.

Now Archive have a cute OLD Teubner one, for a mere $10, complete one(of course only the original Latin text), but it's too old -_-

At Archives

So many good books, haven't bought any, yet lol.

Too bad Hackett's Complete prose works of Milton is no longer there, somebody already snatched it up, lucky bastard!

Edmund Wilson's Shock of Recognition and Samuel Richardson' classic porn novel Clarissa each selling for $7,

Newman's Apologia Pro Vita Sua,

Abridged Penguin pbk of Gibbon for $5,

Dorothy Parker's

Complete Stories by Parker, Dorothy, Bresse, Colleen and Barreca, Regina (Dec 31, 2002)

for $4(a steal)

Aquinas and Calvin's complete works in original latin, each full series for $150,

The Nude: A Study in Ideal Form by Kenneth Clark (Oct 1, 1972)

for $3.50,

Letters on England (Penguin Classics) by Francois Voltaire and Leonard Tancock (Jul 31, 1980)


Other Formats: Hardcover;  Paperback
for $5,

Tyndale New Testament-OE-1526 by William Tyndale and David Daniell (Aug 1, 2008)

for $25, befitting being the bookstore of Fuller,

A Glastonbury Romance by John Cowper Powys (Nov 1, 1996)

for $7, which I already bought a long time ago,

Trollope's He knew he was right, The way we live now in gorgeous cute Oxford hardcover editions, $7 & $8 each,

for $30,

for, can't remember but cheap lol.

Also Meydendorff's story of Byzantine and the Orthodox church histories, history of Russia, etc..

Now what..??!!

Woodrow Wilson vs. John Dewey

Berg's bio p. 95

At John Hopkins, he debated against Dewey on the Blair bill which allocated federal money to rural-black-education, arguing that it's the purview of the State.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

From Borneo to Madagascar

p164 of The Sea by Lincoln Paine:

Madagascar was settled by people sailing from Borneo, 4000 km to the east!

They also introduced foods such as Taro, banana, yam, etc which even spread to Senegambia.
Musical instruments such as zithers too(some say it's the other way around)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

National Anthem to glorify War

I wondered why do we have to do allegiance to the flag while the national anthem is blaring lol attending USC women tennis match;  it's all about provoking emotion and instilling patriotism.

According to George Mosse's very interesting

Fallen Soldiers: Reshaping the Memory of the World Wars by George L. Mosse (Dec 12, 1991)

 which I borrowed and am reading now, it came into being for just that purpose. 

 No wonder most National Anthems describes blood-curdling battle scenes lol.  Glorifying individual's sacrifice for the Nation's war aim, is the gist. Needlessly say this kind of 'emotional appeal' was discredited after WWI, but is still pretty much alive, such as in monuments for the dead, etc. According to Mosse Christianity has been used to sanctify this.

Patriotic marketing is pretty rife in USA, for example a big American flag was put on the wall at Big Boy restaurant, you rarely see that at South Korean restaurants lol.

Another interesting thing, while the French in the Revolution emphasized Roman Republican virtue, for Germans Protestant Christianity was a paramount influence; no wonder my mentor Tom Moran watched Riefenstahl's 

Triumph of the Will (Special Edition) Starring Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, et al. (1935)

to remember what Christians can do at Christmas lol. 

Book buy binge

Doheny just got downgraded, Macs are gone, replaced by HP, and need assistance to log in -_- Worse than USD library let alone Payson!

Huh, Firefox is pretty good(So USC switched from Safari to Firefox)

Recently succumbed to book buying, of course most of them cheap, via Amazon used books sections;

Interested in reading Zola, Freud/Jung, and Isaiah Berlin.


  Euripides. Cyclops. Alcestis. Medea (Loeb Classical Library No. 12) Euripides. Cyclops. Alcestis. Medea (Loeb Classical Library No. 12)
Recently struggled with Medea in original ancient Greek, and rediscovered it(read it years ago in English), quite interesting.
  The Belly of Paris (Oxford World's Classics) The Belly of Paris (Oxford World's Classics)
Emile Zola
As I said, exploring Zola! Naturalistic novels that delves into harsh Capitalist society of France. And don't we all love OUP's recent bookcover design :)
  The Ladies' Paradise (Oxford World's Classics) The Ladies' Paradise (Oxford World's Classics)
Zola, Émile
Current UK TV version is pretty popular, I heard.

I actually have in Franklin library leather bound edition, but heard Gard is the best translator.
And recently read that this book explores France's Grand dilemma, Catholicism vs Republicanism

  Journey of the Dead (Pushkin Collection) Journey of the Dead (Pushkin Collection)
Augieras, FranCois    
Found at UCLA library, eccentric travelogue, interesting.


  From Giotto to Cezanne: A Concise History of Painting (World of Art) From Giotto to Cezanne: A Concise History of Painting (World of Art)
Levey, Michael
Art history! I think I discovered Levey from reading Kenneth Clark's

Landscape into Art (Icon Editions) by Kenneth Clark (Oct 1, 1979).

Also heard Levey writes quite engagingly, so looking forward to it. 

   The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy

Wilson, Peter H.
Read it before, but want to have it and peruse it from time to time, such a complex background, this one.

  Spain: A Unique History Spain: A Unique History
Payne, Stanley G.
Read it but want to reread it from time to time, although Payne is pro-Franco, he's a noted scholar.
This is more like an historical essay.
  The Course of German History: A Survey of the Development of German History since 1815 (Routledge Classics) The Course of German History: A Survey of the Development of German History since 1815 (Routledge Classics)
Taylor, A.J.P.
Taylor's bombastic denunciation of Germany's sonderweg lol, it does get tiresome but nevertheless a good read.
  When The World Spoke French (New York Review Books Classics) When The World Spoke French (New York Review Books Classics)
Fumaroli, Marc
Yes, I'm in a French Mood lol, also read it before, but NYRB Classics are always worth having.

  H.L. Mencken: Prejudices: The Complete Series (Library of America) H.L. Mencken: Prejudices: The Complete Series (Library of America)
Mencken, H.L. 

Really wanted to buy this for a long time after finishing Mencken's bio, so why not.
  V. S. Pritchett Complete Collected Essays V. S. Pritchett Complete Collected Essays
Pritchett, V.S.
Another Essay compilation, for literature. Was pretty impressed with all those entries when I borrowed, so why not buy it and enjoy from time to time :)
  A Jacques Barzun Reader: Selections from His Works (Perennial Classics) A Jacques Barzun Reader: Selections from His Works (Perennial Classics)
Barzun, Jacques
Also recently reading some Barzuns.
  Race: a Study in Superstition Race: a Study in Superstition
barzun, jacques
Race! This incendiary topic. Enjoyed reading this(had to return due to due date), so bought it.

The Search for Ancient Greece The Search for Ancient Greece
Etienne, Roland

The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud (Psychopathology of Everyday Life, the Interpretation of Dreams, and Three Contributions To the Theory of Sex) The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud (Psychopathology of Everyday Life, the Interpretation of Dreams, and Three Contributions To the Theory of Sex)
Freud, Sigmund

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Keep calm and please keep lids on drinks; Payson RULES!

At a media room at Payson library lol.

Really, this library is DA BEST. The best I've been to so far, certainly on the West(Yes, I've been to USC, UCLA and Stanford. Claremont? Nah, this is better).

 Even has a great collection of DVDs, including recent ones.

My only gripe is that they abolished that Classics subsection, which had many Classics(mainly philosophy but literature, too) that wetted my appetite lol, maybe there was too few demands(checkouts). :sad:

Now if only I can find the Loeb Classics series lol. Gonna stay here as long as possible tonight!(3am is the closing time!)

Woordrow Wilson WAS a progressive

Started reading A. Scott Berg's biography (Payson library has it too, nobody took it up, thankfully, didn't have to bring mine lol)


"What I am interested in is having the government of the US more concerned about human rights than about property rights"

And I thought he wasn't that concerned about racism against Blacks...or is it just a separate matter.

He was said to have been an extremely divisive president. and the most astonishing case of achieving the pinnacle, his path to the presidency being such a meteoric rise...should be an interesting reading!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

American superhero

Although hero itself is a Greek word..

Why is the notion of hero so popular in the US? Especially perpetuated by this an expression of frustration against a corrupt Establishment and order that doesn't/can't protect ordinary citizen's interests?

Notice on a tax office

"One should remove sunglasses, hat and beanies before entering"

Wow did they get robbed by those described as such lol.

New Interest: Zola & Freud/Jung

Since I have Balzac's Comedie Humaine, now am curious about Zola:

(From Amazon)

Émile Zola (1840-1902) was the leading figure in the French school of naturalistic fiction. His principal work,Les Rougon-Macquart, is a panorama of mid-19th century French life, in a cycle of 20 novels which Zola wrote over a period of 22 years.

I thought him as an author of Germinal, that's all(so wasn't interested in a dreary all male novel lol), but found out that he attempted a similar encyclopedic project as Balzac. What is with these Frenchies to attempt such massive endeavors lol, is this influenced by the Encyclopedic tradition of Diderot, etc.

OUP is publishing his works.

After reading a bit of Freud's Civilization and its discontents, want to buy those cute Modern Library hardcover editions of Freud and Jung. Enjoyed a college psychology class, and since those are major thinkers in their own right, am pretty interested.

Archive finds

Just books that I took note of:

Hackett edition of Milton

NYPB edition of Burton's Melancholy

Cicero's de Officis (old Everyman's Library ed)

Bio of Berlioz in 2 vol.

Camus' essays

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Hebrew Edition) 

Funny, there's another edition, and the name of it is

Leningradensia !!

Allegiance to the flag and sports

I've never understood why they do it before the start of the match.

I do know that USA is a very 'patriotic' country, so it's maybe their 'program' to instill the love of ones' country, who knows. Effective propaganda, maybe.

Best Actress for 2013 (Oscar)

Just finished Amour, so I've watched all movies except BOTSW.


Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role



AmourEmmanuelle Riva
At age 85, Emmanuelle Riva became the oldest Best Actress nominee of all time.

Beasts of the Southern WildQuvenzhané Wallis
At the age of 9, Quvenzhané Wallis became the youngest nominee for Best Actress in a Leading Role in Academy Awards history.

Lawrence is SO not worthy -_- I actually watched major portion of her shallow oevre, and she just reprised her usual glum role, it wasn't even that funny either.

For me it's either Riva or Chastain. Oscar should not be a 'popularity' contest, what a deplorable decision.

Zac Efron

Watched TLO and TP, and just saw the trailer of AAP. He seems to be quite promising, definitely an actor to watch out for..
At Any Price                                         2012
Dean Whipple

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Just watched Cronenberg's film.

"Korean anxiety attack"?

What the hell is that lol.

National Review also addresses growing Inequality

The Economist and now NR

"Harris poll on last October found that 80% of the public believes that the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer."

NR is pretty complacent about it though, arging that the Americans doesn't take it that seriously.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Deserters should not be punished

Maybe the governments are afraid of this, very much.

Think about it, if everybody declines conscription, or deserts, war will not happen in the first place...well there are mercenaries, but major wars wouldn't happen.
New books at the library

The Deserters: A hidden history of WWII by Charles Glass
1941 by Slavko Goldstein
Heir to the Empire City: NY and the making of TR by Edward Kohn
Tennyson(bio) by John Batchelor
Archduke Ferdinand Lives! by Richard Ned Lebow

Already borrowed Woodrow Wilson's bio,
Have to start and finish in a few days before the due date: Civilization and its discontents by Freud,
Short bio of Marx by Isiah Berlin, etc..

But tennis season just got started -_-

Peter Pilotto tv ad

Saw it at the fitness center this morning.

SO sexy, love it!

Girls, don't be afraid to flaunt your sexuality haha, it's pleasing to us boys too, lol.

And boys, do behave yourselves -_-

P.S.  But I do wonder, is it Pil.. or Pill..?

Glendale trumps Pasadena

So many bookstores closed in Pasadena, recent victim being BN.

And the next BN store is in Glendale.

Glendale public library has better selections, and is more modern as well.

Well we do have Rose Bowl and parade, Eaton Canyon, Norton Simon museum, Huntington Library, Arboreteum (hmm...maybe Pasadena is still better lol),

But Glendale has LA Zoo..

Tough call? Lol. Still, from a bibliophile's perspective, Glendale wins, sadly. :(

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The word female is so wrong

From a biological perspective;

Isn't everyone at first a female at the fetus stage or before that? The transformation into male happens later, is what I heard.

So the word formation should be the other way around,

Female word should be the root, then adding a masculine prefix or suffix to represent a male word :p

Why Hitler's aggression was so effective

It's precisely because he started SO soon after WWI.

The memory was still fresh, so nobody wanted war; except him.

Hence, the appeasement. It's understandable, considering the circumstances, if not wise.

The meaning of Hood-T; Star Wars movies

Hood-T became notorious due to the Martin murder case, many swore to wear it in memory of him.

It's nothing good or bad, in Lucas' cult movie.

Jedis and their antagonists BOTH wear Hood-Ts, so..

Such a fail post lol.

Diarrhea warning sign at the pool

People who has active diarrhea or who had it 2 weeks before should not get into the pool.

This message was put on at the swimming pool of my local fitness center.

I wonder HOW it came into being in the first place, maybe there was an unfortunate

UK movie] I give it a year

"I may literally never see another penis again"

"Or if you get sexually assaulted."

"I'd ruin Bieber"

"My grandfather exploited her, my father exploited her, now I get to exploit her."

"Beyonce movie shake. Either that he's being sodomized by the invisible man."

Awkward situation abounds! Chock full of British humor, hilarious lol.

Important lesson;

NEVER belittle or make fun of your lover or spouse, whether you two are alone or in company.

Respect really is important..