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Monday, July 17, 2017

Republican Party is..

Carl Albert on Gerard Ford vetoing public works bill;

"..Herbert Hoover..equally conservative Republican President has again demonstrated the lack of economic unterstanding and human sensitivity which has enshackled the Republican Party:

LBJ's encomium to FDR

On the 20th anniversary of FDR's death on Apr. 12, 1965;

"...In some mysterious ways he could reach out, and where there was fear, came hope; where there was resignation, came excitement; where there was indifference, came compassion.

 And perhaps we can remember him most, not for what he did, but for what he wanted to do. We are trying to do it still. And I suppose we always will; as will many others to whom he is just a name and a picture in a book."

Dunno who wrote this, but it's a masterpiece. LBJ really was a true successor to FDR.